Wednesday, January 26, 2011


People who complain about school are idiots. (Hypocrisy hand raised.) Oh, no, you have twenty math problems do; oh, no, you have to write an essay; oh, no, you forgot about the research paper you got assigned back in October that is due tomorrow that you haven't started. Whose fault is that? Your life isn't that difficult; no, I'm not going to go on about the children in [insert random third-world country here]. Maybe if you got off the internet/X-Box/(drugs? alcohol? is that what kids are doing?) and did your work, you would have less to complain about.

Disclaimer: I am thirteen years old and in 8th grade. Hypocrisy hand is raised at all times.

Eating: Cereal
Feeling: Anxious...TJ letter.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I have two things to say about zombies.
1.) They used to all quirky and cool. Now everyone thinks zombies are cool. Everyone has seen Zombieland and loves it. I've seen that movie three times, and can't help but compare it to George Romero each time--which isn't the point of the movie, I know, but I can't bloody help it. I want more scary b-movie zombie flicks. A big-budget zombie film misses the entire point of the genre.
2.) The people who play 'Zombies' on Black Ops over the internet are freakin' idiots.

Listening to: 'Let's Groove' and 'Devil's Dance Floor'
Feeling: Bored
Eating: Strawberries

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


"I'm so strange. I listen to unique music like the Beatles (because nobody listens to them anymore) and Pink Floyd because it's real music. I match neon with plaid because according to 'Mean Girls', popular people don't wear that and I'm different. I wear thick-rimmed glasses even though my vision is fine, because I'm different. I am a girl and I play video games because I am different. Who would want to be normal, because that sucks. I am different, and my Converse shoes symbolize that. No one understands my genius. Also zombies. Also Lady Gaga."

Ah, yes, these people. I mentioned them briefly in my first post. I can't quite figure out what bugs me about them so much, and will try to work that out here. Venturing a guess, though, it's because they're annoying. Let us list some facts about these people (generally):
  • They like anime, or Japanese crap.
  • They never seem to know what 'irony' means.
  • They seem to think that due to their being different, they are better than us.
  • They tend to be hypocrites. (*cough*)
The first three are self-explanatory. The hypocrisy part, however might need to some explaining. Those type of people tend to insult the very people they are.
"People who follow the mainstream are so stupid. They are letting the industry bend them as they please. I am so much better than that."
So, uh, where'd you get the idea to be so quirky? 'Juno'? Youtube? Not your own mind, certainly. Honestly.

Now that I've bored you, let me sum up what I'm trying to say: You are not that special. The same thing I've said in my past posts. Have a nice day.

Listening to: The Beatles (non-ironically) and They Might be Giants
Drinking: Monster
Feeling: Stressed

Yes, I know I overuse parenthesis and italics. And write overly long entries. And am kind of a hypocrite.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Unless you are the dullest, most uninteresting person on the planet, you have wanted to go on an adventure at some point in your life. Whether it be to the f0rest near your house, Nepal, or simply as far away as possible. Adventures are fun, in theory. You could be a pirate, sailing across the world in a cramped boat. Or an air pirate, flying first-class to the Bahamas. Or a train pirate (?), meeting hobos and roasting sausages over a fire.

Scenario: You'll leave the house with a bag full of dry food and a sleeping bag, and you plan on hitch-hiking to the East Cost, catching some shipment boat to Europe, then wandering about, meeting interesting people. You will travel though Africa, Russia, India, and China, you will immerse yourself in culture, then travel to South America and adventure there, before finally returning to America after seven years and turning Marco Polo with your fascinating stories.

Reality: No, you won't.
First off, leaving the house with no warning like that will end you up dead on the side of the road. You will arrive in Europe with nothing. You will not meet any fascinating people. Even if you did make it to Asia, it wouldn't be all religion and manga. It will be hot, there will be thieves, it will suck.

I'm all for adventures--I would love to be some kick-ass Lebanese who fights evil and travels everywhere. But honestly, you're not going to travel the world with nothing. Jack London didn't have that amazing a life, you know, he died poor and alone. You will too, unless you cut the bullshit.

Listening to: 'The Wall', still.
Feeling: Adventurous and bored

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Ever feel like everyone else is an idiot? Yeah, 'everyone else' feels the exact same way. Listen, I know you are a teenager and are misunderstood or something, but honestly, you are nothing special. Graduate from collage first. In my science class, I am surrounded by people who are constantly talking about how "our table is so awesome" and "we're so awesome and epic". It annoys me so much. We are not that special, people. I'm not saying that we are all the same--I'm saying we are equal. Insulting people because they don't watch Hetalia or don't laugh at your 'hilarious' jokes is discrimination--in a form. Look, it's not their fault that they aren't as random and insane as you are.
That's another thing: "I don't care what you think because I am an individual and I'm so funny and weird and you just don't understand my awesomeness." Oh, these people annoy me so much. Look, stop acting like you are the top of the world just because you can insult Twilight and Justin Bieber. No one is impressed. Stop it.
So, when you are ranting about your epic-ness, all the people around you are sighing in frustration; you are annoying, you are not that incredible, shut up.

Listening to: Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'
Drinking: Tea
Feeling: Philosophical